Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Growth and courage

Some quotes to live by...

After all these months, all this time, so much has happened. The talks, the phone calls, the laughs and the feelings. If I were to look back on them, I would never have believed that, that person was once me. I wouldn't recognize that girl because she's so different from me. But I guess changing and moving on is growing up, I'm growing up and finding out what kind of person I want to be for the rest of my life. And maybe in the future, there are more changes to come, but as for right now, this is who I'm proud to be.

This weather reflects my face
Rainy day.
This place hurts my eyes.
I think I could break down and cry.
I enter each day with a sigh.
Its so hard to wake when there's nothing at stake
Today I think I'm gonna break,
the hours drag on for what seems like days.
Another day has slipped right by
And I've done nothing.

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